Ko Wai Mātou About us
Our People

Waaka Vercoe
Waaka Vercoe resigned as Chairman of the Trust in 2017 but still remains a Trustee and is actively involved in iwi economic development with a long standing track record on a range of Ngati Awa commercial entities. Waaka has extensive knowledge of Te Ao Māori and is a well-known Kaumatua within Ngati Awa and beyond.

Charlie Elliott
Charlie Elliott was elected Chairman by the board in 2017. Charlie also serves on Māori Investments Limited and Putauaki Trust and has a background in the primary sector, particularly dairy farming and agriculture.

Miro Araroa
Miro Araroa has been involved with the Trust as an Associate Trustee since 2015 and was elected as a full Trustee at the last AGM held in 4 December 2020. He serves on many community and local Maori Trusts within the Te Teko area and also sits on Te Runanga o Ngati Awa Trust board as a hapu representative for Ngati Hamua.

Ngapera Rangiaho
Ngapera Rangiaho of Ngati Awa and Tuhoe descent was appointed a Trustee at the last AGM held on 4 December 2020. She as 20 years’ experience as an active member on various Maori Land Trusts and Iwi organisations.

Gina O’Brien
Deputy Chairperson
Gina O’Brien was appointed as a Trustee in July 2014 having served previously as an Associate Trustee. Gina has a background in Māori economic and social development and is the current Representative for Ngā Maihi on Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa and a director of Ngāti Awa Group Holdings Limited.

Pru Elliott
General Manager
Pru Elliott is the General Manager for Omataroa Rangitaiki No 2 and also serves on a number of Te Teko land trusts and community groups. She has extensive experience of working with Māori Trusts and Incorporations with a background in financial management and operations. Pru is passionate about Māori economic development and is committed to serving the needs of the Trust and its owners.
Ngā Mātāpono
Manaaki Whenua
Protect and enhance the unique cultural and conservation value of our land.
We will act with humility, integrity, transparency, and trust.
Act as the guardians of our land, promote kaitiakitanga, to value and protect our land and natural resources.
Maintain and enhance our relationships with shareholders and other stakeholders.
Ā Mātau Pou
Pou Whakatipu Rawa
Grow and diversify the Trust’s assets to create intergenerational wealth.
Pou Manaaki Tangata
Provide opportunities and benefits to enable whānau to reach their potential.
Pou Manaaki Whenua
Exercise and uphold our kaitiakitanga responsibilities to enhance, restore, and replenish the whenua tuku iho.
Pou Whai Mana
Pursue leadership, management, and operational excellence to better service Ōmataroa Rangitāiki No. 2 whānau.