Rehitanga   Registration

Registration Eligibility

All shareholders and their descendants (18 years and over) must register with the Trust to receive any grants, unclaimed divid ends, correspondence and any other benefits.

A list of owners can be accessed from the Maori Land Court in Rotorua or through their Website Us e this to check whether you are an owner, a beneficiary of an individual owner or a beneficiary of a Whanau Trust.

Registering with the Trust is different to succeeding to shares. Even if you have already succeeded to your shares, you are still required to register.This is so we can verify who you are as well as verifying your contact and bank account details.Once you have registered, we will issue you with a Beneficiary (BE) number which you can use to apply for grants.

Registration Forms

These forms can be:

  • Completed online
  • Obtained from the office
  • Sent to you by post

There are separate registration forms for each owner/ shareholder/beneficiary type. Click on the appropriate link to access the form you need.

Registration for individuals

1. If you own your own shares

Eg. You have received shares through the Māori Land Court and you would like to register them with us.

2. If you are a descendant of an owner or shareholder

Eg. You are a descendent of someone who has received shared through the Maori Land Court but you do not own your own shares.

Registration for groups

3. If you, need to register a Whānau Trust

Eg. you have a formed a Whānau trust, and you need to register the Whānau Trust before you can register the beneficiaries of the Whānau Trust.

4. If you are a beneficiary of a Whānau Trust that has been registered

Eg. Your Whānau Trust is already registered with us, and you would like to register an entitled beneficiary who is aged 18 over years.

What you need

Electronic copies of documentation can be an image file (photo, jpg, png etc), MS Word or PDF document.

You will need:

Your IRD Number

Proof of Identification: A copy of ONE document either a Drivers Licence, Passport, Gun Licence, 18+Card, Birth Certificate or Super Gold Card.

Bank Account Verification for Individuals, Beneficiaries or Whanau Trusts.


Children’s Details (if applicable).

Whanau Trusts: Full Vesting Order and the Order Constituting A Whanau Trust from the Maori Land Court.

Individual Owners: The succession order from Maori Land Court.

The Application Process

Grant Process Opens

Applications Close

Applications Are Assessed As Required

Applicant Notified and Payment Made 14 days after date of approval